@height8 And in a thousand years, a Martian historian will see that as a foreshadowing of Earth's destruction, when waves of refugees turned to the other planets for a new home.

It's just a browser extension, it's actually easier to whitelist it after it shows up on the list as blocked :P my setup is nowhere near as locked down as @height8's.

Bear in mind that I have ScriptSafe set up to block everything from loading, by default. A lot of sites won't load any content at all until I whitelist a few things.

Had to whitelist assets.10centuries.org, but there was no Amazon to whitelist. Scriptsafe shows 3 that I have whitelisted so far, which seems minimal enough:

Definitely time for bed. Headache's gone, but still very tired, and generally getting a bit annoyed again…

Not without explicitly whitelisting it, no.

@height8 How do your eyes manage?

Thought Blurb was borked following a reload, turns out changed to Amazon servers and ScriptSafe was blocking content from loading.

Just read André Bazin's chapter on Carné in his "Le Cinéma Français de La Libération À La Nouvelle Vague (1945–1958)".

The most torturous academic work I've had to read in a long time. Cannot stand that style of writing…I'd describe it as the sentence structure not being very "tight" in general.

@height8 I once used =.= and all hell broke loose — I learnt that day that not all teachers appreciate ASCII emoticons.