Think I shall drag myself to bed. That kind of sleepy where everything's annoying me and I can't concentrate.

No, but share something interesting and I guarantee everyone'll have an eternally-available copy within 24 hours.

// @skematica

What's wrong with Snapchat?


// @skematica

What's this? :o

// @skematica

Annoyed. Dropped the pourover kettle this morning, it deformed very slightly on the rim (barely visibly), and now the lid won't snap in properly.

Think I'll get one with a hinged lid this time.

@height8 Oh dear.

I just had a nap, didn't sleep much and felt one coming on…so it's coffeetime on my side too!

Ah, fresh sheets.

Sounds like a tasting menu more than a diet :P Maybe I'm doing it wrong…


@skematica To be fair, the driver's license is basically the standard form of ID in the US.