No wonder I can't handle mum's 12-string acoustic. Its action at the 12th fret is almost twice that of my classical guitar. Kills my wrist after 5 minutes.

Time to find a shop. This guitar hasn't seen any love since the 1980s anyway.

Well he's not entirely off with the whole tomato thing.

The interesting added bonus of torching their house would be that the resulting fire would melt all the snow away.


My 90 year old grandpa just spoke about saving his old LG phone to use as a burner when travelling to China, just in case the authorities ask to inspect his devices.

He's quite up to speed, all things considered… is really just missing a keyboard shortcut for "move to folder" (by which I mean any folder, not just those in the favourites) like Gmail and Airmail have had for years.

I probably only like Airmail for that, and the Markdown support. is much snappier.

That's a good thing if and only if you don't work for the postal service.


Seems I have a cold. Now, if I go to my doctor, he'll make it better quicker than alcohol will, but then I won't be able to drink during that period.

Alcohol's usefulness in killing germs is well accepted.

I think I'll try it my way first.

Well it was just mayonnaise this time.


He's not the national embarrassment after all!

Nothing like a quick post-dinner run-through of a few of Biber's violin sonatas.