Foolish saleswoman at the only Hamilton (the watch brand) boutique in HK tried to hustle me earlier.

Me: Hm, I'll have a think about it.
Her: Do you think you can make up your mind quickly? We only have 1 of each watch in the boutique in HK and we're able to offer you a limited-time deal that no authorised dealers can: 5% off.

I was this close to telling her that I was planning on buying it off eBay anyway — at 30% off their list price.

Admirable that so many fake names went undetected. They should hire him to create identities for witness protection programs.

Last day before the winter break, or last day before a new job?

I don't get how Firefox expects me to take Pocket seriously when the desktop browser keeps logging me out, so that the "Save to Pocket" button just sends me to the Pocket home page.

I've never exchanged emails with another interrobang user (interrobanger?) but I imagine we'd get along better than average.

People using multiple question marks in their emails annoys me so much I usually deliberately answer those at the last possible moment…

What the heck is "Space confirmation" in iOS keyboard settings?

hope all goes well.

A possible backup for the future would be to record just your part during the dress rehearsal and leave that track hanging around.


also worth adding a "Are you sure you want to cancel?" dialog box

where, upon clicking "Yes", a second prompt pops up, and upon clicking "No", a "Ok!" box appears, with an "Ok" button to dismiss it.

you think it's cheap to hire someone to stand there with scissors and make those perfectly frayed cuts?