@kdfrawg 89–90/100. (Fonseca Guimaraens 1998)
Surprisingly old already, good thing I didn't try to wait another year. I'd even chance to say that it should've been drunk a year ago — but I didn't get my hands on it until earlier this year.
@kdfrawg 89–90/100. (Fonseca Guimaraens 1998)
Surprisingly old already, good thing I didn't try to wait another year. I'd even chance to say that it should've been drunk a year ago — but I didn't get my hands on it until earlier this year.
@matigo Yes, except that alcohol tax is higher in the west.
It's the whole deal of basically working against making alcohol accessible that prevents me from moving to anywhere in Canada. Life would otherwise be so much easier there, if only because I'm already a citizen.
// @japchap
@c ♪Fremd bin ich eingezogen / Fremd zieh' ich wieder aus. Der Mai war mir gewogen / Mit manchem Blumenstrauß…♪
Hazel is really pissing me off. Slammed my fist down on the desk and two keycaps flew off the keyboard.
Its evaluation process interrupts my editing a file name. Furious.
@matigo It's a shame Vancouver's so expensive, I wouldn't mind living there.
Idiot policies on alcohol aside, of course.
// @japchap
@kdfrawg I'm no connoisseur myself, having tasted only 30 or so. My problem is that so many dark rums taste like burnt rubber to me.
// @sumudu @hazardwarning @indigo