Oh thank god. Late night loss of logical reasoning. Navicat was splitting the table view into pages (select *, rowid "NAVICATROWID" from "main"."winenotes_copy" limit 1000) and the page changer button is so small that I didn't see it. I had to go into the console and execute the command manually to see that all my records were indeed all there.

Looks like there's a problem with one of the tables where commits aren't writing at all. The other tables seem fine. I'm scared and angry — because Navicat never threw up any errors.

Downloaded a file from 5 days ago — versioned by Dropbox — and that doesn't have anything there either. Which means that nothing I've committed to the database for the past 10 days has actually been written to the file. This is insane.

Furious. Something happened when I restarted the Mac Pro a few hours ago — Navicat didn't quit properly despite my confirming the save dialogs, or something. Lost a few records. Appalling.

Heh, I wish. They'd consider that absurd, simply because they don't mind it being cramped — my dad grew up in an apartment not much bigger than mine with 5 siblings and his parents. It's "only" for 4 nights, and then they rush off on Sunday morning. Also, them saving money means that we get to eat at nicer restaurants, which is a worthwhile tradeoff for me.

Parents will be in the apartment at about 9am tomorrow and will leave on Saturday. Enjoying my last night of peace for a while. Already thinking of how I'll get a few hours of alone time at least every other day — it'll be cramped in this tiny studio with 2 double mattresses.

That roast pork I made 2 nights ago (soy sauce, honey, vinegar glaze) tastes amazing thinly sliced and cold with a bit of fleur de sel. Lovely (very-late) lunch after a rather frustrating/disappointing day.

But I'm a Virgo :o // @kdfrawg

@kdfrawg Not for the first time, I wish I had a more common name — and in particular, one that stood out less in non-Chinese-language cultures.

Started getting thoughts last night about my digital trail and just how much I have associated with my real name.

May be time for a major cleanup, since I'm soon disconnecting this phone number anyway — would be a good time to do it.