I wish induction stoves had knobs as a standard. + and - buttons look very nice, but are way too slow.

Heh. Guess some restaurants don't read email signatures. Just had one email back to confirm my reservation for "Sig. Edinburgh" (I think I put "Hugo Edinburgh" as my name when I made the account).

Wouldn't have bothered correcting her, but I do want my reservation to be found when I show up in 3 weeks.

Was starting to take a liking to Postbox. Now it's screwing around, unable to send emails.

Had some leftover naan dough, so I rolled it out really thin and made something like plain pizza bread. Just reheated it in the oven with some parmesan on top, now having it with olive oil and vinegar. It's been a healthy day.

"All of our support team are currently busy."

No shit.

Virgin media problems again.

Wonder what the cost of switching to another provider would be.

Trying to make the switch to Vivaldi. One major issue is that you can't mute a tab before sound starts playing.

@kdfrawg Dedicated shop. I like it.


Very annoying: the Mac Pro recognises the DVD drive (USB) once, then never again. MBA has no problem.

What format are you ripping to?
// @kdfrawg