Most important restaurants for Milan have been confirmed. That was almsot too easy :o apart from that one restaurant that only replied on the second email to say "We noted your request yesterday."

But the machine won't be if I get itchy fingers :o

@kdfrawg The size is great but the LG BE14NU40 isn't entirely unwieldy.


@kdfrawg I alternate between sitting, sitting with my feet on a footstool, sitting with my legs crossed (as one would on the floor), and kneeling, else my back can't take it.


Where's the whisky?

Interesting. Also: Your verbatim text doesn't show up as verbatim on my Telegram notification.

109799 ("<backtick>mailto:[email protected]<backtick>", "<backtick><backtick>") and 109803 ("<backtick>text inside backticks<backtick>")

Hang on, isn't text inside backticks supposed to be displayed verbatim? Telegram interpreted my last post properly, but that verbatim formatting got lost when it got to 10C.

Heh, these scammers are good:

If this payment is not paid within the next 14 days this case will be handed over to our legal team. Apple will consider this transaction to be fraudulent. In this event, Apple reserve the right to use any or all of its legal remedies against you, including issuing legal proceedings and insolvency/bankruptcy proceedings against you. We also report suspected cases of fraud to the Police, and reserve the right to prosecute you to the full extent permitted by law.
We look forward to hearing from you within 14 days. In the meantime, all our rights are reserved.

Shame the [email protected] points to mailto:[email protected], and only the is recognised by Airmail as a link.

