Superbly productive meeting this afternoon.

No, it was not with anyone at the university, otherwise I couldn't have described it as such.

@kdfrawg I wonder if mine does. Probably needs a new hard drive. Good times, with the one-button trackpad.

I'll start wringing my hands as soon as I can get a bot to wring my…

…Westworld, you say?

@kdfrawg I've always had a hard time with Macs. Pretty sure those brown marks on the bottom of my white 2007 Macbook are from keeping the case on when it got up to 90ºC+ (or so iStat claimed).

2017 and it's still possible for a Mac to freeze because it runs out of memory. Incredible.

@kdfrawg For a train arriving at 11:30pm, that's not a good thing.

Moving north, the clouds getting greyer…

But at least the fucking baby's stopped crying (trains should have one carriage just for parents traveling with very young children).

Anyway, it is sunset, so of course the clouds are getting darker. Everything is.

Ah! That makes more sense.

The Telegram links point to the conversations. If I'm not logged in, I can't see the convo thread.

Problematic. Telegram's 10C links included with very notification takes me to that page which shows me as not logged in even though I am on Safari.