Doesn't that actually negatively affect *nix systems? :o

Looks like a certain university shuts off their application processing servers for the weekend: I just received 3 emails, one for each stage of the application process (beginning, progress save, end/account creation) that I completed 3 days ago. Heh.

Past 4am means it's probably bedtime, and unfortunately I need to reset my sleeping schedule for Wednesday. Worse will be Saturday morning's 8:30 train to Marseille.

"One third of", I think :D


The last screenshot on this Uber Eats page [] really bugs me: "Delivery as soon as 20 mins" feels so…strange.


Hmm, point taken, but the course descriptions there look good enough that I could put up with a slightly smaller capital city for a year.

That's assuming I get offers for any of the courses, of course.

Eh? Edinburgh is the capital, isn't it?

Inserting cross-references into my revision notes.

Good way to revise, surprisingly — requires a bit of attention. And makes my PDF more awesome.

Not that any of it will matter in…2.5 weeks…unless I give my notes to someone taking the same module next year :P (I won't. I'm not that nice. Well, maybe for some wine.)