@streakmachine Can you not get a 4-monitor stand and mount 2 over 2?
@streakmachine Sounds good, I might get a stand when I move back to HK. For now, it's the collection of kitchenware I'm investing in, most notably actual plastic containers for grains etc. instead of using clips to seal up floppy bags.
@hazardwarning Yes, that could be difficult…organ -> piano is doable for me unless it's polyphonic.
// @matigo
@hazardwarning I've never heard a piano part for that before! Sounds like you're better off not trying to fight the organ, if you can get them to go with it.
// @matigo
Starting to plan this essay which I'm slightly dreading. My mind drifted and, a little frustrated by trying to annotate articles with bullet points, I came up with a JSON-based system.
An annotated article would look something like:
"citationKey": "Carreiras1996",
"summary": [
"summarySourceKey": "Reynolds2006"
"summarySourcePage": 94
"summaryText": "A summary of Carreiras1996"
"forMySubject": [
"page": 80
"quote": "This paragraph in Carreiras1996 supports my argument"
"note": "A personal note detailing how I'm going to integrate this into the essay"
"related": [
"relatedSupportKey": "Cole1994"
"relatedSupportPage": 900
"relatedSupportText": "We support Carreiras et al.!"
"relatedSupportNotes": "I should put this in the introduction."
"relatedAgainstKey": "Banaji1996"
"relatedAgainstPage": 1298
"relatedAgainstText": "Carreiras et al. are wrong."
"relatedAgainstNotes": "Don't mention this; hope the professor hasn't read the paper."
"page": 89
"quote": "This is another paragraph that supports my argument"
"note": "Yay, more evidence for my essay!"
"againstMySubject": [
"page": 81
"quote": "This paragraph in Carreiras1996 contradicts my argument"
"note": "A personal note detailing how I'm going to integrate this into the essay"
"page": 90
"quote": "This is another paragraph that doesn't support my argument"
"note": "Yay, more evidence for my essay!"
The essay plan would basically be various views of the data: either view by pro/con, or by language; key-specific text colour could be assigned based on the view chosen.
(Would this even work?)
Heh, just got started on Bill Bryson's "At Home". Really well written…and there's a bibliography at the end too.
@bazbt3 Hmm, I don't have plans to make these notes public, mainly because there're a million wine blogs out there.
But my database is pretty organised, and fortunately has been quite well thought out since the beginning 3 years ago, so automatically generating articles would just be a matter of displaying a few query results concatenated into a text field.