@kdfrawg Worrying is a good thing though — keeps you alert — so I wouldn't have it any other way.
// @matigo
@kdfrawg Worrying is a good thing though — keeps you alert — so I wouldn't have it any other way.
// @matigo
@snrkl I thought it was bathing in wine that was a thing in Japan, not bathing in coffee and milk :P
@thrrgilag Hmm, I click on the auth link and the chat doesn't update with any sort of success message. Re-entering /register gives "Unable to initiate authorization for some reason."
@matigo I can't quite remember how I cut down on eating junk food, though I do remember learning to like salads.
@matigo That, and you have a preference for sweeter things. Matcha is one of my favourite things to drink in the traditional way :D
@matigo Highly unlikely, but thanks :) I certainly passed anyway, though I did get uncomfortable when I finished it in 1/3 of the time allowed (which is why I checked it 3 times).
@matigo More like an oversteeped generic Chinese green tea in that greenish astringent note. In very restrained quantities, I'd say it's a good thing.