Huh, only GBP3.5m for a property like this [] in Bath. That kind of money would get you a relatively comfortable apartment in HK.

What's Bath like? Any good? Entertaining?


A most expensive night: 3 award-winning cocktail bars and dinner at a whisky bar/restaurant (with a glass of whisky, of course). For once — a truly rare treat — the best combination possible: great friends and great drinks.

1. You owe me a dozen donuts when I go to Tokyo this December.
2. But I agree with just about everything else.

Starbucks' Reserve coffees brewed on the cover are still the only ones they serve that I can actually somewhat enjoy, despite their clear hatred for acidity. "Medium-high" acidity on this Cape Verde Fogo Island coffee is more like "almost no acidity".

maybe it only happens on even-numbered releases.

// @kdfrawg

They last that long?

I'd suggest just soaking them in brandy if you're out of custard.

That, or inserting the character code might work.


@kdfrawg Today was an awful restaurant. Most rubbery excuse for a king prawn I've ever had. Mum's more active than me now, gym and kickboxing most evenings.

Much better morning than yesterday. Spent an hour with sed, nearly there. About time I got familiar with it.

But I was interrupted by the need to go have lunch with mum.

Save the environment and have more fun: replace dark lipstick and blush with organic red wine!

I don't know why people waste their money on makeup when wine will do the job just as well, if not better.