Nice juxtaposition. So begins the trudge () back to Edinburgh: 2.5 hours left.

So much to do when I get back home. Wash the stains out of one shirt, do laundry in general so I have clothes for Paris…prepare my old iPhone 6 to fly to NYC (and set up a burner email + Dropbox account).

Very, but there's not much to do about it now other than learn to love rice and soy sauce for the next 3 days (after which I shall be in Paris). ?

(Might as well get used to it now since we'll all be eating jade dumplings [] in 30 years…)

Made this train.

Won't be making that mistake again…will start making my calendar entries more explicit. (I once accidentally bought 2 tickets for the same day because I couldn't find my confirmation for the first booking — because I'd used another operator — and thought I'd forgotten to buy it at all.)

Yes once past York it does take a long time. I believe a cow once got hit and landed on a farmer's truck, that's why they have to crawl through the Borders area.

Yes and trains between the 2 capitals are pretty essential

Oh there're a lot of problems, but compared to Paris it's like there're elves in the background. At least in London. Edinburgh transport is so bad I either walk or cycle, and it's a damn hilly city.

Astonishingly yes, a great deal of the time. I've never been more sorry that that's the way it is!

Astonishingly yes, a great deal of the time. I've never been more sorry that that's the way it is!

make sure you unplug the first.