Better, thanks

Quick goodbye to end the night. Was sat in McDonald's and suddenly felt so dizzy I couldn't do anything but put my head down on the table without feeling like all the blood was going to my head.

Must be exhaustion.

I may look at building one at some point.


@kdfrawg you might not do much mail, but your phone does.

what you don't see is the copper core in the pipe connected to the socket hidden by the steel plate on the wall that keeps the water hot :p

Groupon chair arrived. Decent leather, pretty good construction overall…for the price and the discount.

It'll do.

What does your generation like? Thread-thin cables and proprietary plugs?

I like devices that just need an IEC C13 or similar. Keeps the space underneath my desk — and my cables boxes — a lot neater…

Absolutely detest devices with transformers…

A terrible idea. Humans are born ugly and must be sculpted to conform to true beauty via deformation, chemicals, and a side of extortion.
// @kdfrawg