@matigo Lots of interesting people, including the man who designed one of Austria’s wine classification systems. Had quite a lesson in winemaking history and philosophy, over many, many bottles of amazing wine.
1 hour and 4 wines in, I’m quite sure these are the best Austrian wines I’ve ever tasted.
Not that I’ve tasted a lot.
@matigo It is. The office people are nice but not the kind I’d spend that much time with, perhaps just one person aside.
Big wine dinner tonight. Nothing related to the job.
Will get my fill of Austrian wine tonight…
Bit nervous as I won't know anyone there.
People selling iPhone Xs outside an Apple store. Huh. Wonder what’s in it for them? Did they buy all the stock at launch?
@jws That's asking too much of the majority.
I've had to deal with "Can you let X know" emails. Our team has 10 people in 1 room (damn open layouts) and he couldn't be bothered to CC X.
I swear I spend an hour a day just forwarding emails…
// @phoneboy @larand @kdfrawg
Got quite some criticism yesterday for using vlookup in Excel.
DRY, for these people, seems to stand for Do (please) Repeat Yourself…