I imagine it wouldn't be impossible to write a browser extension for such things.

// @height8

@height8 Even when you're in shape, you're not supposed to do more than 30 mins at a time IIRC.

I've been considering getting one again. Used to use it regularly.


@height8 The image of you sitting on an exercise ball and holding a mug of coffee whilst bouncing is hilarious…

I tried doing Arch once. Took ages and…well Debian was easier, and I really had no reason to switch away from it, curiosity aside.

So begins 4 days of abstinence.

Let's start with some green tea.

I'm not sure iOS would even fit on a 128MB phone!


Friend was reminding her flatmate about buying mushrooms on Rue d'Amsterdam.

For a hopeful moment I thought they were talking about the kind of mushrooms you wouldn't use for dinner.

Ah well, maybe another time.

Maybe it's time to finally upgrade.

Yep. Totally useless…

@height8 But surely that's just the dose of coffee used?
