@height8 That'd be really great, thanks. Just one thing though: I specify the .bib location in the YAML header of the .md file. The .md file is what goes into Marked/pandoc, which reads the YAML to pull in the .bib to generate footnotes etc. That makes me wonder if a script in the preprocessor would only be able to replace characters in the .md and not the .bib.

@height8 Marked 2 supports "Preprocessor" and "Custom processor", so I imagine it might actually be possible to do a find-and-replace before sending it to pandoc.

@height8 Still having headaches. "é" in a Mendeley entry shows up in the .bib, opened in BBEdit under UTF8, as ?, and pandoc reads it as an unsupported character. I have to manually change it to {\'{e}}. Funnily enough, Mendeley exports "è" properly formatted for LaTeX. Insanely annoying — because of this one issue, I can't use pandoc as a custom processor in Marked 2 to preview my document as I write it.

@height8 Oh no, by my standards that's nothing. I could go on for ages about how frustrating Mendeley is with its .bib export's support for accented characters…

Meatballs and Fever-Tree bitter lemon tonic for brunch.

Actually had a decent night's sleep, though I woke up still a little drowsy. No worse than jetlag though, finally.

@height8 I did read your many posts about AppBuilder :)

@height8 Thanks :)


@height8 I must have not read the post with the download link etc.


Is 10Cinside ready for use?

// @height8

Maybe that's why the rest of Canada settled for inukshuk.