What does it say about a site when it uses so many scripts that, with ScriptSafe's default of blocking all scripts, nothing loads?

Bought an eggplant.

No idea what I'm going to do with it.

@height8 Ooh…


Absolutely — even at cost to myself, I don't think I could ever say that something shouldn't be created, though I might disagree with its use.

// @height8

It would be very cool. How it was used might or might not be cool.

// @height8

They need to be created because to not do so would be to limit humans' exploitations of knowledge. It's only natural.

Availability…well, that's just the creator's choice.

// @height8

@height8 a result of your career?


wonder how long it'll be before sites pick up on the fact that more and more people will block ads without exception, with a blocker or otherwise.

// @height8

@10centuries very, if only to remind people on the other networks that my funeral is yet to come.

@height8 oh my. Is there no way to prevent the article from disappearing?