Just did it. Sent the payment for the Leica.

Almost can't believe it.

Don't think so. I'd love an irssi-like app for 10C.

Your account is currently ineligible to sell this type of item.
Some items are subject to selling limits which help us maintain a vibrant online marketplace. These limits affect many sellers.

Great. 20 minutes dealing with some imbecile's UI WASTED.

I don't get why eBay won't let me post this listing. Keeps giving me an "error" saying "No insertion fees for auction or fixed price listings at any start price, excludes Motors"

But how the hell is that an error that I can fix? Doesn't even sound like an error!

Hmm, possibly — I'm sure a lot of Leica users are interested in astrophotography — though that's not really my area.

But the purchase, if it goes through, will be the M Typ 240. I've been thinking of moving away from film (after 8 years) over the last year or so, and the digital Leicas from the 240 onwards finally seem to have met my demands to justify the cost.

I just had to go and check the Rangefinderforum classifieds tonight, didn't I…

Might end up with my first camera purchase in…3 years? (Damn, has it really been that long?)

At a data visualisation workshop run by a couple of people from the Informatics department.

"Ach, I don't know where my mouse [read: cursor] is, I can't see it!"

Hmm, Fibonacci sequences in fermented drinks…don't think anyone's investigated that one yet.

No idea, all paid for by the university… ?

Just had my first real social interaction in ages. 3 hours catching up with a wine friend over 8 wines.