Wonder if has seen Steno Hero [crowdsupply.com]

Maybe I should turn to the violin for a few minutes.

Everything seems to be frustrating me at the moment.

Increasingly convinced I should get a split keyboard as well. ErgoDox looks convincing, but the Ultimate Hacking Keyboard looks better…even though it only comes out in 3 months (hopefully).

iOS' animations often feel frustratingly slow, especially because it won't respond until it's finished the animation.

Needless to say, Instagram is even worse, but that's another issue altogether.

One of the reasons I absolutely detest restarting is OS X messes up my window layout over 3 monitors regularly. Did a driver update for the audio interface because the dropouts were driving me insane, and somehow it'd managed to change my primary monitor from the center one to the right one.




HK's been pretty safe so far, though who knows what'll happen in the future. Unfortunately it's probably not big enough either.


They could continue to sell in the US, just not be based there, it'd probably be safer going forward. The name is well-known enough at this point to do it, surely?


Apple should move HQ.



I like to spice things up once in a while.