Absolutely gorgeous weather: cloudless and 35% relative humidity.

Unfortunately that abnormally low humidity is also doing weird things to my voice which is more adapted to 70–90% RH.

Didn't win any wine bids today, so used a portion of the budget I'd set aside for that to buy a new violin bow. Got 10% off on the display model too, which I always enjoy — 10% off all for having let others touch it with their grubby paws and for a single hair being broken.

that's pretty much what I do these days, though mainly because I keep forgetting to do the actual install even after a hundred prompts.

I'm not deep enough into the Apple ecosystem to really care about most new user-level features, and indeed I'm quite set on avoiding getting too into it because I'm quite convinced I will, one day, run a Linux desktop and use Apple only for portable needs.

The only major obstacle at the moment is Lightroom, actually…



Economies of scale, I suppose 😕


Sitars are fretted and discrete ;)


As soon as Western music culture accepts that the 12-tone scale is nonsense and that we should embrace regarding notes as on a continuous rather than a discrete line.

(In other words, when playing out of tune becomes acceptable.)


After almost 20 years of playing violin, I'm really struggling to adapt to the guitar's tuning and fret spacing.

Wind instruments are a recent thing for me. Decided to diversify after too many years of just recorder, violin, and piano. Borrowed my grandpa's saxophone and flute but will have to generate funds myself for a trumpet…which will probably come a year after I buy a new violin bow (they're extortionately priced).


do you have an organ at home?


The police, especially any dressed in (anti-?)riot gear, are getting heckled everywhere (especially in residential and tourist areas) and it's really quite amusing.

As for me, I'm playing piano whilst Hong Kong burns, which is not quite the same as playing the fiddle whilst Rome burns, but I got my violin (and saxophone, and flute…) practice in before lunch. 🤷🏻‍♂

My lungs can't handle the flute and my embouchure can't survive more than 10 minutes of saxophone. Maybe I should just stick to the recorder…