@kdfrawg eyes glaze over

Sounds about right.

Wine class assignment 3: define terms in the form "what, where, when, why".

2nd item to define: alcohol.

What: ethanol.
Where: in my mouth

Sounds about right for all but the most densely populated cities.

It's amazing how so many people don't realise that obscuring part of a package's address doesn't do a lot.

Just for fun, I managed to narrow down someone's address to 2 possible locations in 5 minutes with Street View almost certainly eliminating the first.


@kdfrawg I've gone a little pourover-crazy in the past year.

Haven't made an Aeropress coffee in just under a year. Dug it out, gave it a damn good clean…now to see if I need to replace the rubber bit.

Wonder why I'd never tried sous-vide chicken breast before tonight. 60ºC for 2 hours, perfect.

And you only have one larger monitor. Gets a lot more difficult on 4k+1080 :P

// @kdfrawg

Working G900 arrived and set up. Finally!