No, just the end of an era of a more relaxed view on the topic, one which succeeded the abolition of wine tax — the era I grew up in.

People who want it will continue to get it.

Hm. iOS sharing doesn’t work very well for captioned images. It sent the image as another post.

End of an era…sigh.

I miss the Aqua days.

The new Mac Mini looks…pretty good!

Called in early for a night shift? That sounds like a long day.

New York Times’ “Cooking” newsletter is apparently useless if you refuse to make an account — the recipes aren’t visible if you aren’t logged in.

And there’s no way to unsubscribe without making an account.

Which means I’m going to mark all NYT emails as spam and set a filter.

Now there’s a name I haven’t seen in a while!

At this point I have 2 Swiss watches, 2 Japanese watches, and one Apple Watch.

I don’t get how anyone could consider the Apple Watch a luxury item. Not even close.