There is something so pleasing about sipping on chilled vodka. Very nuanced.

Chopin will probably always be my favourite, but I shall be experimenting with other bottles soon. Freezer doesn't have enough space for more than 1 bottle at a time, unfortunately…

No doubt, but is there any way for Cappuccino to load all new posts instead of a few hundred at a time?

Or do I just need to check in more often?


They are. These are some of Australia’s highest ranked wines…

Beautiful evening of Hentley Farm wines. Cosy dinner — only 10 people in total — and free (for me).


I haven't found a good way to make an input form yet. It's not a flat setup, so I need to either make it so, or find a way to implement a check for duplicates in the producers and wines tables (which are foreign keys in the wine_notes table.

So I can't really use it on the go.

Very glad I stuck to declining all dinner invites today.

Also gave me some time to organise my tasting notes…currently spread out between a spreadsheet I use on my phone when on the go, various text files, and emails. Got through about 1/3 of the notes in my inbox…only. Still hundreds waiting for me.

It is truly an exercise in discipline and restraint faced with these wines.

But I have a dinner almost every day next week — and interns to manage, and idiots to keep at bay — so I really must pace myself…

Mumm Lalou 1999, Churchill 1998, or Lanson Vintage Collection Demi-Sec 1989?

All absolutely out of this world.

(Cristal was also present but I’ve never enjoyed the 2007 as much as the 2006)
